| 1. | A grenade blew them both to bits . 一颗手榴弹把他们炸得粉身碎骨。 |
| 2. | A violent wind plucked the sails to bits . 一阵狂风把帆撕碎了。 |
| 3. | The children were thrilled to bits by their presents . 孩子们得到礼物高兴极了。 |
| 4. | Suddenly a tremendous explosion shook the house and smashed my mirror to bits . 忽然一声剧烈的爆炸振动了这所房屋,将我的镜子打得粉碎。 |
| 5. | Raya : more than delighted , she ' s thrilled to bits 拉亚:不止高兴,简直兴奋极了。 |
| 6. | The children were thrilled to bits by their presents 孩子们得到礼物高兴极了 |
| 7. | He dashed the bowl to bits on the ground 他把碗猛扔到地上,摔得粉碎。 |
| 8. | A violent wind plucked the sails to bits 一阵狂风把船帆撕成了碎片。 |
| 9. | Index of kb articles related to bits 与bits相关联的kb文章索引 |
| 10. | I ' m gonna zap that sucker to bits 我要把那个混蛋揍成碎片 |